-30 Hours 15 meetings via zoom During 90 days max Consulting for -60 days following up via WhatsApp
-Setting goals -Make a plan -Define the audience -Audience study
In terms of:- *The country’s economy *Customs and traditions *Product seasons *The importance or need of the public for these services *Methods of financial transfers
-Choose the platforms used -Choose the required tools
-Preparing behind the scenes
*How do you intend to appear? *Name *Logo *Colours *Who are we? *Services provided *Preparing the client’s reception place(online Or offline) *Pricing
-Preparing responses to expected customer questions -Realistic role-playing -Reject and accept deals -How to negotiate – role play -Terms and conditions for customers
– Preparing work rules according to the employees that will be needed in the project example -Sellers -Social media administrator -Administrators -Technical support -Designers -Lecturers – Programmers – Responsible for sponsored advertisements
Cost 2100 instead of 3000
30% discount
Contact us to find out about seasonal offers and discounts
:تفاصيل البرامج التدريبية .اللغات المقدمة 📌 .انواع الدورات 📌 .مدة البرامج 📌 . مدة المحاضرة 📌 .المواعيد 📌 . الرسوم📌 . مميزات الدراسة معنا📌 ———————————- :اللغات المقدمة 📌 للمتحدثين باللغة العربية: 9 الألمانية الانجليزية الروسية الإيطالية الفرنسية الأسبانية الصينية اليابانية الكورية – 4لغات للمتحدثين باللغة الانجليزية : عربي – …