
Course contents

The theoretical part

Course presenter 

Mr Mohamad Hassan Hussein

Founder of LLD Academy 

What you should know before creating an online business 


The headlines 

1- How to work online and use educational tools 

2- How to deal with customers 

3-How to reach and attract customers 

4- How to use social media 

5- How to make a simple design to display your services 

6-How to price 

7- How to apply for jobs in a professional manner

8- Financial transfers 

9- How to gain customer trust 

10- How to market yourself as a trainer and train to respond to clients 

11- How to negotiate with the client

Course contents 


The theoretical part of the course:-


How to work online and use education tools:-

1-Tools required. 

2-Software used. 

3-Explanation method.


How to deal with customers (Students and parents:-

1-How to respond to customers – such as customer service. 

2-How to respond to customers in a commercial way. 


How to reach and attract customers:-

1-Choose the target audience.

2-Choose the platform.

3-Building a general audience.

4-How to write content.


6-Directing the advertising message.


 8-Short-term plans.

 9-Long-range plans.

 10-Build a potential customer base.

 11-The theory of wasted energy. 

12-How to think like an entrepreneur.


How to use social media:-

1-The correct use of platforms increases positive results.

2-Hashtag specific to the field.

 3-Hashtag for current events.


5-Choose the most popular music. 

6-The difference between access, interaction and messaging.


How to make a simple design to display your service:- 

1-Make a logo -Choice of colors.

 2-Flash designs -Content hook.

 3-The purpose of the design and the message it contains.

4-Using numbers in advertising.


6-The social level of customers.

7-Use symbols and celebrities.

8-The power of continuity. 

9- Regulate breathing like running a marathon. 

10-The theory of a drop of water on a stone.

11-Theory: If you can’t win them, join them.

12-Be a smart success partner.

13 -Learn from institutions.

14-Know your worth, set your goals Intellectual flexibility or superintelligence.


How to price:-

1-Based on what is the price?

2-How can the price attract the customer only in the way it is presented? 

3-Use prices with features.

4-Wholesale sales and its purpose.

5-The gain is not always in the form of money.


How to apply for jobs in a professional way:-

1-What you should know about the way most departments think.

2-How to increase your job opportunities.

3-How to be special in a simple way Enjoy the experience and get the most out of it, and do not come out as a victim. 

4-You are responsible for yourself, do not be complaining and crying.

5-Do not export your problems or weaknesses to the labor market.

6-How to increase your job opportunities globally?


Financial transfers:- 

1-How to receive remittances?

2-The formula used to fill in the data from the sender and the addressee. 

3-Some obstacles in Western Union.


How to gain customer trust:-

 1-Dealing professionally.

 2-Choose the appropriate words.

 3-Respond clearly to the question -Break the ice. 

4-Make him feel safe.

5- Maintaining distances and maintaining communication.

6-show of strength. 

7-Refuse to sell -Speech to the client in a language they do not understand.

 8-Offering what the customer does not need.


How to market yourself as a coach and train to respond to clients:-

1-You must specify the form in which it will appear to customers (distinctive sign). 

2- Responses to recurring or anticipated customer questions must be prepared and developed accordingly. 

3-How to continuously spread among academies and teachers?


How to negotiate:- 

1-Social communication skill.

2-Negotiation skill -Know the type of client to resolve the negotiation. 

3-The customer must feel profitable. 

4-Offers to get out of the impasse.

5-The human aspect of winning the customer.

6-Losing trades and their gains.

7-All that glitters is not gold.

8-Accept losses and defeats with open arms (Law of Life).

 The practical part of the course will be designed according to your goals and plan

1- Personality analysis to nominate appropriate projects according to (his orientations, skills, budget, surrounding environment, and the law of his country). 

2- Explaining and consolidating some basic concepts that any employer must possess. 

3- The psychological factor and its impact on the system. 

4- Destinies and their impact on the system. 

5- The importance of having problems. 

6- The importance of rest. 

7- The importance of silence and steadfastness.

8- Drawing a future vision for the project It includes (how to start, the tools required, the implementation mechanism, how to overcome challenges, overcome difficulties, determine the time period to achieve goals and measure results). 

9- Market study. 

10- Customs and traditions of the target audience. 

11- Public needs. 

12- Seasons of the product or service provided. 

13- What will distinguish the service or product that you will provide? 

14- How to develop marketing strategies.

15- How to build an audience.

 16- How to use the free tools available for training and learn the implementation mechanisms. 

17-How to achieve sales.

18-How to maintain customers.

19- Knowing the absorptive capacity to determine the size of the audience reach. 

20- How to deal with customers.

21- How to build friendships with customers and strengthen relationships with them. 

22- How to benefit from customers’ relationships with their family, friends and acquaintances

You do not have to take courses in all sections of your project, but you must be familiar with how each part works so that you can develop the project and face the challenges.

1- Working in a team.

2- Recruitment objectives and dimensions.

3- How to choose the team.

4-How to deal with the team.

5- Explain how to direct employees.

6- Explaining how to make work agreements and establish quality rules and standards and location policy.

8- Explain how to develop the system.

9- Explain how to reach customers.

10- Explain how to use the budget in the best possible way.

11- Avoid material losses.

12-How to benefit from financial losses if they occur.

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7- Secrets of investor success in any project

1-Science and knowledge

2- Positive thinking


4- patience

5- Gradual steps

6– Creativity

7- Accept losses The first meeting is free Knowing the client’s needs Explanation of the services provided To provide advice and consultations 7-10 meetings are held for two to three hours Total 20-30 hours For a period of 3-5 weeks

We can also guide you to start any business without any project cost.


There are other services that not only guide you but help you in a practical way to establish the project

1- Study the product or service in terms of: -Competitors include [Their features – their presentation methods – Prices – sources – seasons – Audience location (which platform is more interactive) – Audience behaviors – Challenges]

Getting started on the ground

* Preparing the interior front according to the size of the project

– Making an employment agreement for: –

“Personnel Affairs Officer

“Provider of service or product

“Customer service

“Content writer

“Social Media Administrator

“The accountant.

” Employment agreements include

-Who are we?
-Required skills
-Required qualifications
-Required tasks
-Work features
– Labor laws

* Preparing the external front

-Choose the name and logo

– Preparing the information that customers will need include

“Who are we?” “

Services or products provided “The advantages of dealing with us
“Fees or rates
“Company policy

– Preparing communication tools

– Speaking and explaining the product or service and its details.

– Making preliminary designs

– Content writing

– Exploiting the appropriate social media platforms for your project at the right times

– How to build a general audience and its importance

– How to gain customer’s trust, follow up with them, ensure their satisfaction, maintain their continuity as customers, communicate with them continuously, and provide them with special offers.