freelance lecturers
The legal status of the academy Country: Egypt Commercial registration 198787 Tax card 629-925-706 Establishment number 3660424 Our administrative location in Egypt Hurghada – 20A Al-Ahyaa in front of the Shamal District Property No. 20A the second-floor Apartment No. 5 Our administrative location is in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Al-Ahsa – Hofuf City – Al-Bandari District.
Subscription features:
1- We create a profile for you on our website professionally and elegantly, including all the information students need.2- WE upload an educational video for you on the YouTube channel, to display your explanation method.
3- We advertise you on all the academy’s social media.
4- We run a WhatsApp group to support teachers by selecting a different teacher daily and helping him by doing (like, share, comment) for his profile.
5- Teachers can also work with us if they have the opportunity or have time. (you will need to read the employment agreement).
6- You can advertise your services offline as well.
To subscribe to a basic $20 annuallyTo subscribe to premium –All the features + uploading educational content every week on Facebook, Insta, Twitter, Snapchat (content by the teacher) $25 annually
To subscribe to premium+ All features + 12 advertising designs annually $30 annually
We will place the following information under the teacher’s picture:
-the name
-The subject or language you are teaching
– Teaching stages or levels
-Your qualifications
-Your experiences