Why learn a new language
Why learn a new language
We are all born in different geographical areas and we speak our native languages and these languages also form a big part of our identities as each language has a variety of expressions and words that are unique to it and the language itself tells you a lot about where it originated and its use
That is why learning a new language means going beyond the scope of the familiar and getting to know an almost different world, especially in this day and age with the advent of the internet and the increasing use of technology, the world is defined by its interconnectedness.
Have you always dreamed of spending a vacation in an attractive French village but are afraid of the idea of talking with the locals or even visited a cool new place but had no idea how to get around it has been the unfortunate victim of that “language barrier” but knowing the language of the area you are visiting even if it is just conversational terms can make your travel experience hassle-free.
Not only that, knowing the language means that you will not spend extra money on annoying guides and translators and will be able to explore the place on your own terms and in your own way resulting in a more holistic experience.
Learn new foods
When you visit a new place and speak its language, you will know exactly where to eat and what kind of food you will get, but even if you are not in a new place and want to learn the food of the place, knowing the language means that you can go to a strange international restaurant and find out exactly what the menu tells you.
Food lovers can certainly know well with this information moreover you can become a culinary expert in this type of cuisine and prepare some delicious food in your kitchen simply because you understand the balance of ingredients in a more attractive way by getting to know the language and culture of the region.
How much fun is it to be part of a culture Festivals, customs, history it is very exciting to belong to such a huge amount of things that define the region.
So what if you had the opportunity not only to participate in your own culture but also to adopt a culture of your choice Learning a language is perhaps one of the most important steps to do that allows you to understand and appreciate habits more closely and not just be fascinated by them from afar.
It allows you to participate in its celebrations and also contribute to them as global citizens and it is very important to expand cultural horizons in order to multiply pleasure and multiply culture.
Learning a new language is literally like gym time for your brain every day you spend learning, memorizing and applying something completely new your brain is deteriorating.
Our brain is basically a muscle and most importantly it needs all the food it can get as analyzing and understanding a new language is excellent for the development of the mind.
In fact, neuroscientists at Dartmouth College have discovered “more activity in the brains of people who switch between two languages than those who speak only one”.
Another study by the American Council on foreign languages showed that “language learning is associated with high academic achievement on standardized test measures” so get ready to learn a new language for some serious IQ points.
Stronger and sharper memory
You have a chance to ward off memory impairment diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia simply by learning a new language.
According to a study by the Society for Neuroscience bilingualism may delay the onset of age-related dementia including Alzheimer’s disease for up to four years.
Although scientists do not know why bilingualism creates this “cognitive reserve”, some hypothesize that speaking two languages may increase blood and oxygen flow to the brain and maintain healthy neural connections, factors that are believed to help ward off dementia.
Learning a new language can allow you to have a healthy mind with a wealth of course knowledge and moreover allows you to savor your memories for as long as possible.
Meet new friends
Learning a new language is a sure way to impress them it is an activity that requires attention, time and dedication.
This automatically makes you a person of interest so be prepared to answer a bunch of questions about your new talent and about the country whose language you are studying.
Learning a language is not only a great way to gain reputation with your existing friends but it allows you to make a group of new friends by interacting with people in your language classes, meeting people from those countries or even by making new friends.
Renew your resume
Honestly, aren’t we all looking for a great resume to impress potential employers Learning a language is a great addition to the “special skills”section.
As mentioned earlier, learning a language is a complex activity that requires perseverance and time, and if you manage to master another language, this bodes well for you, as you are perceived as a person possessing professional qualities of patience, dedication and commitment.
Allow your employability to grow by leaps and bounds by learning this special new skill
If you are looking for professions that extend beyond your shores or want to build your life on a completely new land that speaks a completely different language it is useful to learn the language of the place.
It will allow you to adapt to habits and help you learn the way of life better moreover you will be able to make friends and contacts with a wider range of people which means you will be able to start a happy new life with a lot of help and reduce isolation.
Culture does not have to be shocking at all if you are familiar with one of its most important aspects.
A new hobby
Learning a new language is like having a completely new hobby because it takes a long time, it allows you to have fun.
You can use words to play with friends with new words, watch some cool cinema movies, listen to new music in this language, read some foreign literature too.in addition, you look mysterious and attractive to other people, which is always a plus.
Expanding the horizon
Do not forget that learning a new language is a glimpse into a world that you have never been exposed to before.
A world that comes with its own set of positives and you can incorporate these positives into your daily life.
Learning a new language allows you to be a more complete person because you are able to challenge yourself in a really complex task and challenging yourself to achieve higher heights is the hallmark of being a human being.
Learn more, grow more and evolve to become a citizen of the world because less borders means more gains for you as an individual and for the world too as the great writer Haruki Murakami said “learning a new language is like becoming a new person” so get ready for a new brand for you.